WordPress To Blackout the Web for Anti SOPA Day Jan 18th

Filed under: Industry News

Well it seems that a lot of websites will be taking the day off january 18th in protest of the new US SOPA Laws.

Wikipedia has decided to go offline and its owner has already tweeted an announcement that kids better do their homework early before they can’t get it from Wikipedia.

WordPress is also up in arms about SOPA and has released some Plugins for users to install on their websites to shutdown their sites on Jan 18th…

I don’t know does this really matter?

If you saw a previous post I talked about WordPress, Blogger and other large membership sites who are against this law and how some simple google searches revealed that millions of pages on their sites are dedicated to warez and other simply pirated content.

We are not talking fan sites that allow downloads of GLEE Cast Member backgrounds for your computer or phone.. they are right in your face pirate pages offering Software, Passwords, Cracks and other nasty stuff.

I tell you Matt could put me in charge of emptying all of that content and it would be a lifetime of work..

Anyway if you want to protest I suggest that you start now and don’t shower for the next couple days.. and go out for a 5 mile run and get really skanky…

Then you can install a AntiSopa Plugin and you are set.


Dressing like David Hasselhofff is optional