In Through The Backdoor – Ways To Improve Google Rank

Filed under: SEO & Advertising

googleadsense_logoWhen you are trying to get into Google’s Page Ranking System there are tons of great ideas that you can apply to your own website but don’t forget about using Googles other offerings to help publicize your main content.

Google has a number of Niche offerings and depending on the type of site you have and the content you may want to take advantage.

Google Local – If your business is local you need to  be in this directory. This will help people searching for a local business directly on Google and through applications and sites that grab and reuse that info.

Google Maps – Google has started adding Images and Videos on their maps. You can show pictures of your area and include a tag so people know it is you.

Google Video and YouTube – Why not put up a few videos on google video. If you have a professional service you should show demonstrations of your work. You can also teach people to do the things you do. Never give them all the inside stuff but attracting people by giving them tips will get you return visits.

Froogle – If you have an online shop then make sure froogle knows about it. You should also check out your competition and generate links, titles and headlines in your pages that will attract customers.

Google Blog Search – If you run a blog or a site that uses bloging software as a backend then make sure google Blog Search knows where you are.

Google Code – google code is a great place to store your projects. The cost is nothing and it can generate interest in your plugins or applications.

Google News – Many blog sites that offer niche news can add themselves to google news.

All of these options will require time and management but depending on the software you use to build your site you may be able to automate the process.

Remember that any backlink you can generate is a good one if the site it is on is ranked in search engine directories.  Backlinks are important to publicize your current information but they are also how you attract visitors to new content.