Are You Willing To Pay $469 For Twitters First Official Conference?

Filed under: Industry News,Social Networks

twitter_logoIt seems the folks at twitter will be holding their first official conference in San Francisco April 14-15th where you will be invited to talk with a number of their developers and do some “hacking?”…. I am guessing they don’t mean they are holding a Fail Whale Harpoon Contest.

Anyway the conference costs $469 which I guess is priced to keep out all of the ordinary people who actually use twitter and the developers that can’t justify an expense..

We will not be going … not just because it is across the country but because it has grown pretty tiring to attend these events that are little more then handshaking and lotion parties.

You are probably more likely to learn something useful by using that time searching for sample code or API documentation .. lets face it Twitter is a pretty easy system to interface with…

Anyway if you have more time then you know what to do with then you might want to show up and see some of the people that bring you Twitter.

For More info visit